Products in stock are shipped within 10 days. If a product is not currently in stock (backorder), we will order a new stock as soon as we receive your order. In such case, please allow two weeks plus shipping time for it to safely arrive on your doorstep.
Flat shipping fees are applied as follows:
Switzerland: CHF1.00
Europe: CHF1.50
USA: CHF2.00
World: CHF2.00
Letter packages (up to 2cm thick):
Switzerland: CHF2.80
Europe: CHF7.00
USA: CHF9.00
World: CHF9.00
Packages (2-10kg):
Switzerland: CHF10.70
Europe: CHF56.00
USA: CHF65.00
World: CHF65.00
For more details please refer to our Terms and Conditions of Use of Online Shop, Terms and Conditions of Sales and our Terms and Conditons of Donations.